What is PulseChain? — The Largest Airdrop in Crypto History!

3 min readMay 22, 2021


Ethereum Fork, 20% Faster, Copying Entire System State — https://pulsechain.com

Richard Heart

Serial Entrepreneur, Early Bitcoin Miner, Founder of $50 Billion Dollar Cryptocurrency



April 4th
“To use PulseChain, you just change a single setting in your Metamask. Your existing addresses and seed words already work.”

April 23rd
“We already have a testnet churning out blocks. It doesn’t have historic state added yet or validator rotation, but its much faster progress than I expected.”

May 7th
“Pulse successfully bootstrapped a single node with state from an existing Ethereum chain. Complete: Consensus change, chainId change, validator initialization, system contract deployment and initialization, allocation adjustments. Work-in-progress: Going multi-node network with state”

May 14th
“We’ve made our first improvement to Ethereum. An off by one bug https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/pull/22879"

May 16th
“Right now the plan is to equalize all the erc20 pair prices by buying up the erc20s there and redeploy it as liquidity again. So existing LPs get more pulse and less erc20 in the pair. This way the ratios are the same percentages as they were before the 10,000x inflation.”

May 20th
“Development is coming along wonderfully! I’m really impressed. Multiple validators now working with system state injected. Validator rotation and unique address issuance per chain for sacrifice are next on roadmap.”

July 14th
“The PulseChain.com sacrifice phase has begun.”





Written by Togosh

Publisher, HEX, PulseChain, PulseX, DeFi

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