HexBay Testing — Tradeable HEX Stakes!

3 min readJan 27, 2021


“Build something cool, build encapsulated HEX stakes that operate on Layer 2, people can get in and get out and trade their Layer 2 HEX stakes … will increase complexity, but it will be cheaper” -Richard Heart -Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0HBugvRu3s&t=1703

HexBay.win is a Layer 2 smart contract above HEX, stakes created inside of HexBay can be traded! (NOTE: HexBay creates real Layer 1 HEX stakes, HexBay has no admin keys)

HexBay is currently in testing, and will be released to mainnet after an audit with CoinFabrik is complete

Summary: Pay stakers to make a stake tradeable, Pay stakers to trade it, The impatient pay the patient, Stakers always win!

How to Test?

  1. Install Metamask browser wallet

2. Switch Metamask to “Ropsten Test Network”

3. Copy Ethereum (ETH) address

5. Add custom HEX token to wallet

a. “Assets” tab >>> “Add Token” button

b. “Custom Token” tab >>> Enter HEX address below >> “Add Tokens”


6. Connect Metamask Wallet and Mint 1 Million HEX

a. Go to https://hexbay.win
b. Click on “Mint” tab
c. Click “CONNECT” button
d. Click blue “MINT FOR” button

7. Let the Testing begin!

Create Stakes, Sell Stakes, Buy Stakes, Transfer Stakes, Refer Others

a. When creating or buying stakes for the first time,
click the “APPROVE” button, to allow the contract to use HEX

b. Send feedback to Telegram

Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/togoshigekata

NOTE: I found this project on Telegram: https://t.me/HEXcryptoDEV




Written by Togosh

Publisher, HEX, PulseChain, PulseX, DeFi

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